2018: Summer Scape: What's coming for the farm this season.

Our last year before harvesting in 2019, setting the stage for success, in order to make the all mighty dollar, also known as paying back the banks. No dollars will be hitting Andrews pocked. Rosy farms is growing!

This year is our third summer of growing haskaps on our farm.

Meaning we have the experience to know more of the best production practices and have positioned Rosy Farms, in the center, for business successes. We've done this through our community & memberships such as: North 49 Fruit corp, Haskap Alberta Association Founder, ext.

With the completion of all our hard work, comes even more hard work. Never ending because accomplishment feels SO good.

So here's what we are up too!

You can see between the existing rows the unbroken rows.

You can see between the existing rows the unbroken rows.

  • Farmers Market first three weeks of July: 

    • Saturdays- St. Albert

    • Thursdays- 124st Grand Market
      Come out for fresh, hand picked fruit, and taste, love, experience the finest haskaps. It is going to be Huge!

  • Crowd Funding Campaign planning- Raising the funds for a harvester, We will need your help, sigh up for our news letter. Estimating mid October launch. Learn more here. 

  • Planting the Remaining Rows, with 7,484 Haskaps. Breaking the ground once again, growing clover and grass over the last three years to improve the soil, soon to be green manure, helping the growth of the new haskaps.

  • Sharing the land, with other driven entrepreneurs, letting them use the farms tools, equipment and land.

    • Tom- Growing hard stem garlic, starting with 1/4 acres. He is a lot like Andrew, city slicker turning into a farmer. Tom is the co-owner of an Edmonton based concrete business but he's wanting to re-connect with his food. He'll be doing this with the support of his better half Mel of The Nomadic Wife.

    • Briana, Bar OA Farms, will be growing a couple hundred dahlias, expanding from her intensive back yard . She knows her stuff, being a farm girl her self and being Executive Director of the Alberta Ag Food Council.

  • Long Table Dinner, bringing together friends and family to celebrate Rosy Farms & the local food movement. Deb of Vesta Gardens, will provide produce and protein for our 5 course feast. Each course will be developed by Mel to feature our amazing haskaps. 

  • Taking the Summer Off from Work, Andrew will be digging deeper into all the fun IPM (Integrated Pest Management) techniques needed to run a ecological fruit farm. Water monitoring, PH plant sap testing, roaming the fields for inspection, leaf sample testing, really getting up close and personal in how the farm is living.

Time to get our hands dirty!

Join us at the markets or for an on farm event!

Andrew Rosychuk

Haskap Fruit Farmer, putting his life and soul into growing a farm business from scratch. First generation farmer, taking raw organic haskaps, transforming them into finished products. Associations, corporations, awards, agriculture scholar, OH My! Andrew loves planting seeds, those seeds are growing strong. Alberta’s horticulture industry watches, hoping for continued change. It’s just who Andrew is.


EcoLiving Fair + Workshop- Rosy Farms Presentation- A City Slicker to Farmer Formula


Sour Cherry & Haskap Workshop: Rosy Farms, A Growers Perspective.