The Art of Pruning Haskaps

Pruning is a fundamental part of all fruit production. By removing old and unwanted branches; yields will increase, plant vigor will be accelerated, picking of the fruit is easier, and plant disease is reduced, to name a few benefits.

Rosy Farms Pruning

Pruning Trials

This is a long term project testing the affects of pruning on three haskap varieties; Indigo gem, Aurora, and Boreal Beauty.

The main trial will be conduced when the haskaps reach their maximum height, 5’6” (1.7m), estimating 2024. At that point the true trials will begin.

Until then we are pruning off the lower growth, bottom 8”, for better access of our harvester. As well removing the spindly growth, growth that the harvester cant harvest. Not so easy when you have 27,000 haskap plants.

Andrew Rosychuk

Haskap Fruit Farmer, putting his life and soul into growing a farm business from scratch. First generation farmer, taking raw organic haskaps, transforming them into finished products. Associations, corporations, awards, agriculture scholar, OH My! Andrew loves planting seeds, those seeds are growing strong. Alberta’s horticulture industry watches, hoping for continued change. It’s just who Andrew is.

Haskap Mulching, Weed suppression


Haskap Fertility Testing