Haskap Tarts


Estimated Time

Make time: 20 min Cook Time: 50 mins

Serves: 8 Big Tarts or 16 Small Ones



2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
pinch of salt
1 cup soft butter
1 egg
½ tsp vanilla extract

1 cup haskaps
1tbps lemon juice
2tbsp tapioca or cornstarch
½ cup sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 375°F
2. Mix the crust ingredients well together with a mixer.
3. Place the muffin tins into a muffin pan and press the dough into the tins evenly to the bottom and sides with your fingers
4. Mix the filling ingredients well together with a spatula.
5. Add the filling into the tins and place into the oven for 30 min.


Photography & Recipe by: Melanie Villeneuve

Andrew Rosychuk

Haskap Fruit Farmer, putting his life and soul into growing a farm business from scratch. First generation farmer, taking raw organic haskaps, transforming them into finished products. Associations, corporations, awards, agriculture scholar, OH My! Andrew loves planting seeds, those seeds are growing strong. Alberta’s horticulture industry watches, hoping for continued change. It’s just who Andrew is.


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