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Haskap Recipe Submission

We get excited seeing all the creative ways people use our Haskaps! Have a recipe you'd like to share? We'd love to try it. Include your social media handle, and we'll be happy to share your recipe on our platforms.

Recipes, Holiday Andrew Rosychuk Recipes, Holiday Andrew Rosychuk

Virgin Mulled Haskap

Savor the warmth of the season with a Virgin Haskap Mulled Wine, a fragrant and alcohol-free concoction that combines the deep richness of spices with the unique sweetness of Haskap berries.

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Recipes Andrew Rosychuk Recipes Andrew Rosychuk

Simple Haskap Tart

Get ready to indulge in a sweet and tangy treat with our Haskap Tarts! These tarts are the perfect combination of flaky crust and juicy Haskap filling. The creative process behind this recipe is all about balancing the sweetness and tartness of the Haskap berries, creating a deliciously decadent dessert.

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Recipes Andrew Rosychuk Recipes Andrew Rosychuk

Haskap & Beet Brownies

The classic tale of deliciously hidden vegetables. You've heard of zucchini cake – why not beet & haskap brownies? The fruit & veggie puree makes for perfect fudgey brownie, and the colour of haskap juice gives a stunning finishing touch to the glaze.

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Recipes Andrew Rosychuk Recipes Andrew Rosychuk

Haskap Berry Simple Syrup

Fruit-infused simple syrup is an ingredient that is more versatile than it gets credit for, and it is so simple to make. It stores for a good amount of time, so if you want to make a good batch and keep it in the fridge you absolutely can.

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Recipes Andrew Rosychuk Recipes Andrew Rosychuk

HASKAP Brown Betty

This simple and classic desert showcases the flavor and colour of Rosy Farms’ Haskap Fruit. Apples from Steve & Dan’s BC Fruit complement the haskaps perfectly.

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